At the moment only Lucas and Alex are living at the house. Jose up’d and left a few weeks back. He was paying the most out of us so, of course, the finances took an absolute battering when he left. Another defining reason for cutting the house loose. 


Tonight I will be going home and telling Lucas he has 30 days. A bit short if i’m honest and I know this is going to be really shitty for him, but it will be for me too. Then again, these things happen.


So my plan! Well to be fair there isn’t really anything solid or certain at this point. All I know is that i’m packing up and shipping out. I have a reasonably good amount of money and i’ll be selling quite a lot of expensive bits and bobs so I reckon I should be ok for 6-12 months (I’m a heavy smoker and a heavier drinker so most likely just 6 months). On that note, I think i’ll head up north.. i’ll blend in better, haha. 


9th April 2014

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bring myself to give Lucas 30 days. Don’t get me wrong, I did tell him our intentions and that I was making off in about a months time but I could tell the guy was distraught. You see, Lucas has a bit of a grand plan like me. His, however, is far more grounded. Him and his girlfriend are looking to save up for their own place and the fact that we only charge him £75 a week for rent and bills (very little for the area I live in) allows him to save at least enough to realise his dream. If he was to move out in May he could not feasibly afford to move in with his girlfriend this year given that the nearest sort of prices to rent in this area is approximately £600-700 per month. 


So I’m standing there telling him this news and you can literally see his face drop. I felt shit. Poor guy. if people read this they may think “well that’s life, tough luck to the guy”. To that I say ” you try telling your mate that his dream of living with his S/O are effectively over as of 30 days time. 


The one saving grace is that my mum comes back this tuesday coming and I explained to Lucas we may be able to make some sort of deal. Very unlikely, though. Time will tell.



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